Saturday, January 31, 2009

1000 Things
*In Progress*
  1. Ride in a hot air balloon.
  2. Name a star.
  3. Grow a garden without killing the plants!
  4. Write a poem.
  5. Plastic-wrap a car.
  6. Plant a tree.
  7. Go skydiving.
  8. Leave an over-worked waitress a $1,000 tip.
  9. Drive a car on the Autobahn.
  10. Be in a movie.
  11. Take singing lessons!
  12. Start a company.
  13. Visit 100 countries- 2/100
  14. Support a child though World Vision.
  15. Dye hair a bright color!
  16. Go to all seven continents! 2/7
  17. Own a Mini Cooper.
  18. Volunteer to help decorate the White House for Christmas.
  19. Plan someone's wedding.
  20. Try out for Project Runway...
  21. Win Project Runway!!
  22. Get great seats for the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.
  23. Climb a mountain.
  24. Adopt a child.
  25. Go whale-watching
  26. Learn how to shoot a sniper-rifle.
  27. Fly a helicopter.
  28. Go to college and double-major.
  29. Try sushi-Completed 01/31/09!
  30. Hike down the Grand Canyon.
  31. Host a masquerade ball.
  32. Stop worrying what people think of me.
  33. Find and buy a first-edition Peter Pan book.
  34. Swim with dolphins.
  35. Mentor someone.
  36. Make a short movie with my friends.
  37. Live abroad for a year.
  38. Learn to play the guitar.
  39. Make a million dollars, and then give it all away.
  40. Become flexible enough to do splits and back-flips.
  41. Drive a Lamborghini!
  42. Meet Christian Bale.
  43. Go to the Olympics.
  44. Get a tattoo.
  45. Show in New York Fashion Week.
  46. Take ballet lessons.
  47. Pet a tiger.
  48. Use all my Christmas money one year to buy coats for people who need them.
  49. Learn how to play Scrabble.
  50. Climb a pyramid.
  51. Hike though a rain forest.
  52. Go cliff diving.
  53. Learn French.
  54. Use colored contacts just for fun.
  55. Send a secret into PostSecret.
  56. Do something with Improv Everywhere.
  57. Go to cooking school, or take cooking classes.
  58. Smile at everyone I see for a day.
  59. Read/Re-read 50 classic novels 1/50
  60. Fill a field with snow angels in the winter.
  61. Wear a bikini.
  62. Paint a picture!
  63. Show in Paris Fashion Week.
  64. Go to Venice.
  65. Buy myself a diamond!
  66. Fill a stranger's hospital room with flowers!
  67. Start a HUGE water fight.
  68. Ride a gondola.
  69. Get good at paintball.
  70. Run a marathon.
  71. Fly a plane.
  72. Ride a carousel.
  73. Go to Carnival in Venice!
  74. Doodle smiley faces and hearts on every dollar I get.
  75. Run a 5k.
  76. Buy a house or apartment, decorate it!
  77. Go hang-gliding.
  78. Learn how to surf board.
  79. Buy mom a house.
  80. Go to Tahiti!
  81. Come up with a perfect chili recipe.
  82. Break a law.
  83. Dress up in an outfit inspired by a cupcake!
  84. Go clubbing.
  85. Go to a jazz concert.
  86. Eat only organic foods.
  87. Do a detox.
  88. Learn how to bartend.
  89. Visit San Fransisco.
  90. Learn good photography.
  91. Go on a road trip to the ocean with friends!
  92. Doodle hearts on everything.
  93. Learn how to juggle.
  94. Meet the Queen of England.
  95. Write encouraging notes, then pick names out of the phone book at random and send them.
  96. Go to Rome.
  97. Sneak around somewhere pretending to be a super-spy.
  98. Learn how to cake-decorate.
  99. Learn Greek.
  100. Start a food fight using cupcakes.
  101. Run away from home.
  102. Learn how to tango.
  103. Collect tons of books I love.
  104. Stay on a Greek Island.
  105. Go SCUBA diving.
  106. Hunt for treasure!
  107. Take C trick-or-treating; dress up.
  108. Make a prank phone call.
  109. Follow the raw food diet for a month.
  110. Spend time at a monastery.
  111. Paint graffiti on something.
  112. Fly a kite.
  113. Own original artwork.
  114. Dress up like I'm going to the Oscars; then go to the movies.
  115. Have a weekend-long party at Lakeside.
  116. Ride the world's top ten fastest and tallest roller coasters 0/10
  117. Go to the Circus.
  118. Walk a high-wire.
  119. Take trapeze lessons.
  120. Go to a movie premier!
  121. Sit in a coffee shop in a major metropolitan city and people watch for an afternoon.
  122. Ride on the Orient Express; bring Agatha.
  123. Quit procrastinating!
  124. Ride first class on an airplane.
  125. Stay overnight at a castle.
  126. Decorate for Christmas like Martha Stewart on crack.
  127. Go see the Northern Lights.
  128. Take flat-boat rides down the seven largest rivers in the world. 0/7
  129. Go to Easter Island.
  130. Swim with a whale shark.
  131. Hike to Angel Falls.
  132. Visit the Sphinx.
  133. Sleep under the stars.
  134. Win a game of mafia. -Finished!
  135. Visit Oxford, go see the home of C.S. Lewis.
  136. Run for mayor.
  137. Learn French.
  138. Throw the opening pitch of a MLB baseball game.
  139. Help people affected by a natural disaster.
  140. Learn how to surf.
  141. Take sailing lessons.
  142. Get pulled over for speeding. In a Ferrari. When I'm 80.
  143. Go down-hill skiing in Switzerland.
  144. Take a ride in a horse-drawn carriage.
  145. Meet Tim Gunn.
  146. Go para-sailing!
  147. Hike New Zealand.
  148. Go see "The Cranberries" in concert.
  149. Watch the running of the bulls in Spain.
  150. Stay at the Plaza for Christmas. Dress up like Eloise, jump on the bed.
  151. Go on a polar-bear swim.
  152. Stage a world-takeover.
  153. Train for, and run, a marathon.
  154. Learn how to snowboard.
  155. Set off fireworks.
  156. Celebrate the Chinese New Year in Tokyo.
  157. Make an enemy.
  158. "Take it to the Sweet".
Photo Credit

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